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If you wanna get real than go no further than right here...! Welcome to my blog where I'm just another part of the worlds population giving my own truthful and spicy opinion to what's going on in our world today as well as talking about issues and facts that everyone can relate to! Life facts, True Stories, Opinionation, ANYTHING! It's ALL real and its ALL right here! Welcome to AlexONLINE where the subject has no limits!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Seeping Sand in the Hourglass

For many years the hourglass has been used for many purposes. Now known as a modern ornamental. However once upon a time these devices were used as a measurement of time. I recently encountered the issure of feeling like my time is running out. I know what some of you may be thinking "Your freaking 17 how is your time running out you've got plenty" and a lot of you can relate to what I'm saying about this issue of teens and feeling as if there wasn't or isn't enough time for you to be fulfilled within yourself. Some of you haven't recognized this feeling yet. Most of us go through this time in our life during our glorious High School to College transition. I know many of you who have gone through this like me are thinking and asking "Why does this happen and how do I get through it?" Well I think that I have found a simple solution to why some of us feel so unfulfilled during this time in our lives and it is due to the allusion of lack of time. I found that I wasn't unfulfilled with things I WASN'T getting the chance to do. It was what I was getting to do that didn't fulfill me. I was getting bored with my life and what I was doing yet I wondered "If I am so bored with this why do I keep doing it?" Sometimes what your doing everyday becomes such a routine its almost instinctive for us  to stay in this unfulfilling and repetitive cycle as what I have discovered is no more than a teenage security blanket. In every stage in our life we have something that keeps our lives grounded. As a baby it was your favorite bear or blanket. As a child it was our imaginary friends. As teens it becomes our everyday routines because they keep this safe feeling of constance in our lives. I've also discovered this shield is only here to protect us of things we are afraid to do. Those goals and dreams that we push to the back of our head and pretend like they don't matter or tell ourselves how unrealistic they are so that we don't dare attempt because we feel like they don't fit into the mold of what we think they should or what we have let someone else talk ourslelves out of. I have discovered that until we break our adaptive cycle of everyday boredom. You will constantly feel like your time is running out. Life is made of many opprotunities and chances of a lifetime if we keep our hourglass still and constant the time will pass us by, but here's my solution: If we take control, shake things up, and create a little disturbance in our lives we will find the sand in our hourglass will seep through a lot slower and we can enjoy our time a lot more along the way!

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